This is a list of all of our favorite travel and outdoor gear! We only include the things we actually use and like. It’s a list that we will keep updating constantly. If you have any questions about anything of the things we included, let us know by writing to our email. We will be happy to talk to you. Thank you ahead of time!
Alex + Katie
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1L Gear Bag
small enough to be a carry-on
Cord Organizer Case
Power Bank
Hard Drive
make room on your phone.
Travel Adapter with Surge Protection
your electronics
Power Strip
a gazzilion gadgets.
Sony Alpha a6300 Mirrorless Camera
Sigma 30mm F1.4 Lens
Lens Case
Instax Camera
you take your photo!
this is a great option.
GoPro Hero
Split Underwater GoPro Dome

this is for you!
GoPro Diving Filters
Camera cleaning supplies
Rain Jacket
Packable Down Jackets
ready for winter
Womens Travel & Hiking Pants
Mens Travel & Hiking Pants
Trail Running Shoes Men
Trail Running Shoes Womens
Chaco Footwear
SmartWool Socks
Microfiber Travel Towel
these always come in handy
Toiletry Bag
Travel Silicon Containers
baggage is delayed
Dr. Bronner’s Soap
Face Wipes
Travel Sized Coconut Oil
absolute must.
Eco Friendly Toothbrushes
Menstral Cup
Compression Bag
all your clothes
Travel Locks
Carhartt Beanie for outdoor adventures
Airplane travel kit (ear plugs, neck pillow and eye mask)
Osprey Packs Kestrel 48 Backpack
for all your needs
Small enough
to use as a carry on and great for backpacking
Kelty Women’s Redwing 40 Backpack
Osprey Packs Meridian 60L/22 Wheeled Luggage
Sturdy wheels
Plenty of space
Detachable daypack
Osprey Packs Daylite Daypack
This is a perfect day pack to bring along. It can also attach to the front of bigger Osprey packs!
KAVU Rope Bag
Outdoor Gear
GRAYL Water Bottle Filter
Takeya Stainless Steel Waterbottle
on rainy days
whatever you need you got it.
We also have a great post written about “Packing for our World Trip” check it out to see what we packed into our backpacks!
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