Education Lifestyle

The Cinnamon Lessson

There are times when I want to surprise my 4th graders with something special like free time at the end of the day, homemade snacks, a game, hot chocolate, and other exciting things that I come up with randomly. Just to show them that I appreciate and love them.

Sometime ago, I decided we would make cinnamon rolls and bake them during the last half hour of school. That day, things didn’t go as I planned. It was Monday and lets just say they were very happy and active children. I was exhausted from it and was ready to just give up on giving them my surprise. I really thought they didn’t deserve it. Especially that day! I couldn’t imagine extending this loving and kind gesture to the children who drove all the energy out of me.

I remember looking at them tiredly. Ready to tell them to get ready to go home, but something stopped me. A thought. A thought about what Christ did for us. We didn’t deserve anything He did for us. We didn’t deserve His love and the grace and mercy that was given to us freely. We lived in disobedience and sin, but yet He first loved us. The God of the universe reached out with love and gave us His Son. A gift of Salvation. A free and undeserved gift.

I told them about my surprise and what I felt. I asked them if they thought they deserved something good that day and they answered no. It was a perfect moment to share the Gospel. I told them that I appreciated them and loved them anyway. We baked the cinnamon rolls together and enjoyed the smell and taste of the scrumptious treat.

I will never forget this “Cinnamon Lesson” that showed me more of what God is like.

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  • Reply
    Nata Z
    January 5, 2016 at 3:39 am

    I had that happen multiple times at teens and camps… Good lesson

    • Reply
      January 6, 2016 at 4:01 am

      I can only imagine! 😛
      God finds unique ways to reveal himself to us! Amazing! 🙂

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