Our World Trip Travel

One-Way Ticket

Katie-” Let’s buy our ticket today?”

Alex-“Let’s do it!”

And that is exactly how it happened. At 10pm, way past our weekday bedtime, we bought our one way ticket to a year of adventures, travels and learning. That night I couldn’t fall asleep, I couldn’t believe what we just did. That on September 2nd, 2017 we would be flying out with only backpacks on our backs to travel the world hand in hand. A dream that I had since I was a little girl. After tossing and turning from happiness and shock of what we just did, I finally fell asleep.

Here’s a little update of what we have been planning for our trip.

We will be flying out on September 2nd, 2017, which is 9.5 months away. The countdown has begun! 🙂

So far our itinerary looks something like this:

Five countries in South America

Six countries in South-East Asia

Three countries in Central Asia

One country in Eastern Europe

One country in Northern Africa

Two countries in Europe

That’s a total of 18 countries, which although is smaller from our initial plan of almost 30, still seems like a staggering amount. When we first made our list of planned destinations we threw down almost every single country that would allow US citizens in without a visa and then some. Looking over our itinerary, a tentative cost analysis, and researching what a Round The World (RTW) trip entails, we realized that our list was off the wall crazy-insane. After talking it over we decided to do some revising.

Our goal is to be more than just the average tourist. We aim to actually experience the places we visit. Consequently we will stay for longer periods of time in each place and as a result visit less countries. Looking over our destinations, we decided that visiting Africa could easily be a trip on its own. The wide variety of cultures and experiences available on that vast continent cannot be encompassed in a few weeks. Furthermore, the price tag, and the variety of the European continent warrant it a separate trip as well. As a result it appears that the majority of our travels will be in South America and Asia. As we discover what the world has to offer both before and during our trip, we know that things can radically change.

See also  New Beginnings Children's Home, India

So, what do we plan to do? Well, let me tell you all about it. I have no idea! Literally besides a few pillars on our trip, we aim to just explore, learn, serve others and enjoy. In South America, we’ve got our eye on a few treks, we aim to visit Machu Picchu, see a bunch of other ruins and learn Spanish. We will hike a few mountains, see some glaciers, and do some dangerous activities (mom, pretend you didn’t read that). In Asia we aim to get our PADI certification, hop islands, do a home-stay, work on a farm and go on some breathtaking train rides. As we travel the world we hope to get to know the locals, make friends, learn to cook ethnic food, adventure through the country, and give back to the local community.

As Christians, we are really excited to see what God is doing around the world. We hope to visit lots of churches, and see all the unique ways that different people worship God. In addition, wherever we go, we hope to serve with our hands, and inspire people with the joy that we have in our hearts.

So here we are, less than a year away, but still so much more preparing to do. These next few months we will be researching our countries in depth, figuring out overland transportation, and service opportunities. We hope to share with you more of our planning process soon, stay tuned.

Say yes to adventures,

Katie & Alex

P.S. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or connections you would like to share with us, feel free to connect with us.


See also  Diving in Malapascua with Thresher Sharks


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  • Reply
    November 23, 2016 at 3:23 am

    Soooo exciting!!! Can’t wait to join the adventure 😉😊

    • Reply
      November 23, 2016 at 5:02 pm

      YAY! I’m so excited! Sistas adventuring together! 🙂 I look forward to it! <3 Can't wait! xoxo

  • Reply
    November 23, 2016 at 1:26 pm

    So excited for you both! It sounds like the trip of a lifetine!may you be blessed on your travels and be a blessing to others as well!

    • Reply
      November 23, 2016 at 5:07 pm

      Alena! Thank you so much! 🙂 We are looking forward to it with great anticipation! I love watching your adventures as a mama to Nikka. She is one lucky baby! <3

  • Reply
    unknown person who's fascinated
    November 25, 2016 at 10:03 pm

    come to switzerland, we have wonderful lakes&mountains. &as you may know, we have the most delicious cheese&chocolate. 😎

    • Reply
      December 21, 2016 at 8:11 pm

      Thank you, Alessandra! 🙂 We hope to visit Switzerland sometime soon!!! I would love to meet you as well. And… I absolutely love cheese and chocolate! <3

  • Reply
    April 3, 2017 at 1:29 pm

    Wow! I am really excited for you guys! Sounds like an amazing plan! Just left a subscription to your blog. I am already looking forward to read more about your adventures around the world 🙂
    You can feel free to check out my blog as well: merveilletravel.com

    Wishing you good luck!

    • Reply
      April 12, 2017 at 3:23 am

      Thank you!

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    How To Save Money For Travel - That One Adventure Couple
    December 28, 2018 at 5:56 pm

    […] ONE-WAY TICKET […]

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