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What We Spent in Vietnam
When we started our world trip we made one crucial change in our life. We decided to record all of our spendings down to the penny. This has helped us know exactly where our money is going. In addition, it helps us know if we are under or over our budget. The following numbers are for 2 people. For reference we spent a total of 30 days in Vietnam.

Our spendings were a total of $480.09 on lodging in Vietnam. During our time in Vietnam we lodged in hostels, hotels, and home-stays. Lodging was super cheap in Vietnam, sometimes even less than $10 an night.

Food cost us a total of $683.10. During our time in Vietnam we tended to eat out rather than cook our own food but thankfully food in Vietnam is relatively cheap.

Our total spending on activities was $306.41. A lot of this included massages which are super cheap in Vietnam. We also did a few tours, as wells as went canyoning. While in Vietnam we also got our PADI Open Water certification, however, we got that for free since we were working with the company.

Transportation such as taxi’s, and buses, cost a total of $279.83. We used Uber a lot of times in the big cities, and used Vietnam’s bus system to get between cities. We also rented motorbikes in the smaller cities which allowed us to get around on our own quite a bit.

We spent $478.23 on flights within Vietnam. Vietnam is actually a pretty long country and we decided to save on time and spend just a little bit of extra money by going on a flight rather than take a bus. Part of our thoughts on this is that we don’t think it’s healthy to sit in a bus for 18 hours, or ruining our sleep quality on a night bus.

We spent $36.36 shopping in Vietnam. This was mostly souvenir items, and some clothes.

Miscellaneous items are such things as laundry, bathroom costs, and other things that do not fit into a certain categorry. We spent $19.10 on miscellaneous items.

We spent a total of 30 days in Vietnam. During that time we had a daily average of $76.54. This is about $5 below our budget. Vietnam is overall a very cheap country. In fact we could have spent less, and Vietnam is a place we kind of lived it up a little, getting massages, doing tours, and taking a few flights instead of buses every time.
Vietnam is an amazing country located in SE Asia. It’s very cheap for lodging, as well as food. In general you won’t be cooking your own food, instead choosing to eat out, however, you can save on money by making your own breakfast. There are a lot of things to do, such as hiking, beaching, Scuba Diving, and exploring cute cities.
We tended to avoid big cities. Some of our favorite were Da Nang, Ha Noi, and SaPa. We enjoyed the mountains of Vietnam in general more than the cities or beaches. Highly recommended are the rice fields of SaPa, you can rent a motorbike and ride around the mountains surrounding the city enjoying the views.
If you would like to read more about our world trip, how we saved, or some things we’ve done check it out: World Trip
You can read about the places we’ve gone in South America which is a stunning continent with many amazing places, beautiful cultures, and a lot of fun: South America
We had a lot of fun in SE Asia and explored a lot of things. Check out the SE Asia category for all those posts!
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