Lifestyle Relationship

My Third Trimester During Pregnancy Weeks 28-40 (How I felt, Things I did, Preparing For Natural Labor & Postpartum)


Third Trimester Experience During Covid-19

As I started my third trimester Covid-19 started to become more widespread through the U.S. There were talks going around about even doing a quarantine. People started buying out all the toilet paper, sanitizer, wipes, and staples. Being pregnant during covid-19 wasn’t easy. As things were unfolding it felt like we were watching an apocalyptic movie. Our normal routine was disrupted. Alex did all the shopping and I stayed home other than taking walks around our neighborhood, local trails, and parks. Our baby shower got canceled, family gatherings, events, and some of our other “before baby comes” plans got canceled.

To be honest my emotions were all over the place. It felt unfair to not have my first baby shower I dreamed of. I felt afraid and worried that I wouldn’t be able to get the things I needed for baby. I felt sad that I wasn’t able to see my family and they weren’t able to see me. As time went on I learned to accept what was happening and make the most of the time I had. Alex started working from home and we got to spend a lot of time together. I will always treasure the time we had together at home before baby.

Challenges and what I did to prepare

Third Trimester was a little bit more challenging then the first two not only because of the quarantine, but also because my belly doubled in size and I experienced some common third trimester symptoms. Those symptoms were waking up to go to the bathroom at night A LOT and then not being able to go back to sleep. I also had some ligament pain around my belly from it stretching and growing so fast, and restless legs especially before going to bed. Also I was in nesting mode and started cleaning our apartment, washing and organizing baby clothes, preparing our bag for the birth center and planning for my postpartum.

I also made a list of the things I wanted to do for myself before baby came and, together with Alex. One of those things was to make a photobook out of our world trip photos. It took me about a week to organize all of our one year worth of travel pictures and put the phonebook together online. It turned out so good and worth all the time I spent on it. I also took time to nap, read just for fun, go on walks, and make yummy food. I truly wanted to live in the moment and soak in every moment I got leading up to the birth. It’s easy to always look ahead to the next thing, but I really wanted to savor in the last moments that I had to myself and together with Alex because it will never be the same again.

Overall, third trimester has been good minus the small little difficulties that come with finally showing and having a belly! I’m 38 weeks right now as I write and have just a couple more weeks left until baby girl’s due date!

Babymoon in the Redwoods National and State Parks

Since our plan of going somewhere warm and with an ocean didn’t work out due to work, we decided to do a road trip to the Redwoods National and State Parks. We rented a cute and cozy airbnb and drove 6 hours south to the Redwoods in Northern California. This all happened just a couple weeks before the covid-19 quarantine started.

All week long before leaving on our trip the weather app was showing that it would rain all weekend long in the Redwoods. It really made me doubt that it would be a fun trip so I started praying about it. That weekend God showed me that he cares about even my little desires like the weather and the entire time we were there we had beautiful sunny weather! We explored, hiked, drove through all the parks, ate delicious food in the evenings and had slow relaxed mornings at our airbnb. It felt so rejuvenating and inspiring to be amongst the tall giant trees and it got us excited to one day take trips like this with our little girl.

Exercise During Third Trimester

Exercise during third trimester looked a little bit different since my belly grew and laying on my back was very uncomfortable. Since, the quaratine happened I mainly did morning prenatal yoga exercise at home, used light weights that we had at our place, and a stretchy band for a leg or arm workout. I also took many walks outside since the weather was amazing and we had such a dry and warm spring. I also used the birth ball a lot and did a few exercises on it as well to keep my pelvis open and help baby move into position and engage.

Lastly, I focused on stretching and staying relaxed and open.

My favorite Youtube Channels I used for Third Trimester Workouts:

Prenatal Yoga by Sarah Beth– I love doing her Yoga routines in the mornings! She has some that are 10mins and others that are 20 minutes!

Prenatal: Fit by Larie – she has some great full body workouts and they kick my butt every time!

I also had a friend who gave me a DVD from Spinning Babies that had great exercises to do through pregnancy.

Favorite Exercises/Poses for Third Trimester:

For a detailed description of each exercise or pose check out my second trimester blog. I go more in depth on each one there.

  • Cat Cow Pose/Pelvic Tilts
  • Butterfly
  • Downward Dog
  • Puppy Position/child’s pose
  • Inversion
  • Stretching
  • Birth Yoga Ball
  • Sumo Squat/Regular Squat
  • Clam leg workout (helps strengthen those outer thighs)
  • Bird Dog (helps with balance, lower back strengthening)
  • Pigeon or figure 4 ( a really good stretch and hip opener)

Baby Bump Progress Pictures

Third trimester was when I finally started showing a belly! My belly literally doubled in size especially since baby has been gaining 1/2 a pound per week. It was so fun to compare my first trimester progress pictures with third trimester. There’s a big difference!

third trimester baby bump progress

Food and Health During Third Trimester

During third trimester I felt like I wanted to eat all the time! At one point I told Alex that I had an appetite of a “linebacker”. I would snack often, drink lots of water, make smoothies, and try to eat protein filled nutritious meals! I’m guessing it has to do with all the baby growing my body was doing. (If you want to read more about my diet check out the First and Second Trimester Blogs)

During third trimester I drank red raspberry leaf tea every morning. Red raspberry leaf tea is awesome because it helps strength and nourish the uterus. At 36 weeks I started eating 4-6 medjool dates a day. There have been studies done on eating dates during pregnancy to find out whether it can help with cervical ripening, labor induction, postpartum blood loss. Check out Evidence Based Birth for more information about Eating Dates during pregnancy.

My midwife really recommended this to me because she really saw a difference in women who ate dates vs. who didn’t and I made sure to eat my 4-6 dates a day. I bought an organic pack of medjool dates in Costco.

See also  My Second Trimester Experience Weeks 13-28 (Exercise, Food, Supplements, Books I Read)

After taking a blood test to check my iron levels my midwife recommended to supplement with Floradix. I had low iron levels and this helped balance things out.

Supplements and Exercise

I continued taking my prenatal vitamins, fermented cod liver oil, Just Thrive Probiotics, vitamin d, magnesium, and during quarantine I took vitamin c and zinc.

Use thatoneadventure for 15% off your order of Just Thrive Probiotics!

Other great prenatal vitamins, Ritual Prenatal, Zahler Prenatal, and other food based ones such as Mega Food Baby & Me Prenatal, Garden of Life, New Chapter perfect prenatal multivitamin, and Vitamin Code Raw.

Lastly, at about week 36 I started doing a perineal massage which really helped me learn how to relax, breathe and connect that area with my brain. It also helped moisture everything down there. I used coconut oil.

To help with all the growing my belly was doing I made sure to put spoonfuls of collagen peptides in my smoothies, drink bone broth, and moisturize my belly and breasts with Zoe Organics Belly Butter or just coconut oil.

Books I Read and Podcasts I Listened to During Third Trimester

Check out the books and podcast section on my First and Second Trimester Blog Expereince Posts.

During third trimester I really focused on preparing for what would come after giving birth.

My Favorite Books I Read During Third Trimester

“The First Forty Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother” by Heng Ou

This has been one of my favorite postpartum books! It really goes in depth about why it’s an important time for healing, slowing down, nourishing yourself and letting others come around you to support and enogucarge you through this time. It’s full of practical tips, advice, encouragement, ideas, recipes, shopping lists, and so much more!

“Healing Your Body Naturally After Childbirth: The New Moms Guide to Navigating the Fourth Trimester” by Dr Jolene Brighten

I first heard Dr. Jolene Brighten speak on a health and wellness podcast and after hearing her speak on healing naturally after childbirth I knew I had to read her book. It’s such a great resource and full of recipes that I will definitely refer back to throughout postpartum!

“Build Your Nest” by Kestrel Gates

I didn’t purchase the workbook but I heard really good things about it. I read through some of her blogs and she has some free resources on her website that I really enjoyed.

The Mama Natural Week by Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth

This was one of the first books I got when I found out we were pregnant. The Mama Natural focuses more on a natural approach to childbirth. The book is a week by week guide to pregnancy and childbirth. I loved reading it week by week and it didn’t feel overwhelming. Mama Natural includes helpful recipes, affirmations, covers different topics that pertain to pregnancy and childbirth and more!

Go Diaper Free: A simple handbook for elimination communication (for babies 0-18 months)

After hearing from my mom that my grandmother would teach me how to potty starting as an infant I knew there had to be something out there that could help me teach early potty training to my baby. I am so so happy that I came upon this book and also Andrea’s podcast/youtube channel! I found it at the perfect time, just a month away from my due date. Alex and I both read the book and are excited to start EC with our little baby girl!

“Expecting You” Pregnancy Journal

I loved journaling every week about the things I was experiencing. It really helped to get my thoughts out and this journal includes helpful prompts. I also journaled in my regular blank journal where I wrote out my thoughts, prayers, affirmations, and letters to the baby.

Favorite Podcasts/Videos For Third Trimester

Evidence Based Birth Podcast, Birth in God’s Presence, To Birth and Beyond Podcast, & The Go Diaper Free Podcast.

I also loved watching Bridet Teyler’s Youtube Channel “Built to Birth” She is a birth doula in the San Francisco Bay Area and shares her knowledge through her Youtube Channel! She’s awesome!

Check out my first and second trimester blog posts for more podcasts and apps I used!

Preparing For Baby During Third Trimester

It was a little bit terrifying at first when the quarantine started, most retail stores shut down and my baby shower got canceled. At first I really worried about not being able to get what I needed for the baby and not being ready. As time went on I realized that I didn’t need much to start out with and if I realized that I needed something I could always buy it then. We were also blessed by our family and friends with a virtual baby shower and were sent gifts through amazon.

Most of the bigger items that we bought were all purchased through Facebook Marketplace! Honestly we found all the things we needed and wanted on there at 50-75 percent of the original price. Most of the things were gently used anyways and in great condition. Basically, if we were wanting to sell any of those baby items later we could do that at almost the same price, if it’s in good condition of course.

During the last couple of weeks I had major nesting so I cleaned our entire apartment, sold extra stuff, organized baby stuff, washed baby clothes, and took care of things that needed attention.

Virtual Baby Shower During Covid-19

Like any first time mama I was dreaming of having a baby shower with our closest family and friends. My close girl friends were planning to do one in April and my family in Spokane were also planning to do a baby shower in Spokane. Everything quickly changed when the covid-19 restrictions came on. It really was devastating for me because I was really looking forward to it. I was excited to celebrate our baby girl with our family and friends.

It took some time to grieve that loss and move on. But God is good, He sees our desires and wants to bless us. My friends still made it happen and planned a virtual baby shower over Zoom! It honestly couldn’t have been better because of how intentional and amazing it turned out. We had people bless us with their encouragement and prayers. We couldn’t stop talking about it afterwards.

Also, that weekend my family surprised me and drove down to see me. We haven’t seen each other since Christmas and I was missing them so much that actually that morning I had a little breakdown and cried.

Spring Third Trimester Maternity Photos

I was a little bummed when the quarantine started. I thought we wouldn’t get to do our maternity photos but we still made it happen with social distancing. My close friend took the pictures and then I edited them. They turned out beautiful!

See also  February in the Classroom

Preparing For Labor & Postpartum During Third Trimester

The focus of third trimester was really to prepare myself for what would come after giving birth to the baby. I remember my midwife telling me that a lot of women prepare so much for the pregnancy, labor and birth but don’t realize that it’s just the beginning once you give birth to the baby. She encouraged me to prepare for my postpartum period, to start thinking about what life will be like with a baby and what decisions I need to make. I’m glad she told me this because through that I learned so much. I actually wrote a post about my natural postpartum kit.

Check out THE ULTIMATE DIY NON-TOXIC AND NATURAL POSTPARTUM KIT FOR A NEW MOM post for more in depth info on postpartum prep!

I also started packing our bags for the birth center, we talked about how Alex was able to help me relax and encourage me during labor as my birth partner, we talked about my brith plan with my midwife and I made a labor playlist.

Packing our Bags For the Birth Center:


Pjs, Robe, Warm Socks, Sports Bra (for water birth), Nursing Bra, Toothbrush & Toothpaste, Hair brush, Face Moisturizer, Makeup bag, Chapstick, Nipple Cream, Face Mask, Speaker, Cell Phone, Headphones, Charging Cords, Camera, Polaroid, Rick Sock, Scarf as a rebozo


Swimming shorts, Change of clothes, Toothbrush & Toiletries, Face Mask


Baby coming home outfit, Baby Blanket, Carseat, Letter-board annoucement

Food/Snacks for birth:

Water bottle, Honey sticks, Coconut water, Labor Aid, Protein Bars, Yogurt, Rice Cakes with Almond butter, Dried Fruit Rolls, Frozen watermelon ice cubes, Bone Broth

I continued reviewing my affirmations, listening to the Christian Hypnobirthing playlist, Holy Spirit Relaxation album and Childbirth in the Glory. I did a lot of journaling and surrendering my plans to God because ultimately labor is about surrendering to your body and letting it do what is has been created by God to do.

Some of my favorite third trimester affirmations and verses

” Each wave of labor brings me closer to my baby”

“My body opens easily and naturally. I am going to stretch and get BIG”

“I am strong, I am made for this”

This is what my body was created to do and I surrender to it. I trust my body. I trust my baby. And I trust God.

“My help comes from the Lord”

“I welcome my baby with happiness and joy.”

“You can do anything for one minute.”

“God is with me every step of the way. Praise the Lord. He will never leave me nor forsake me.”

“My mind is relaxed. My body is relaxed.”

“God has given me everything I need to birth this baby.”

“The discomfort that I’m felling can’t compare to the joy that’s coming.”

I replace fear with faith. My body is strong and my God is even stronger.

“But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength. ” 2 Tim. 4:17

I prayed daily about my desires for birth and asked God what He wanted for this birth. I thought about the place I would go with God when things got very challenging during the labor. That really helped me visualize and prepare my mind for that. In the evenings and sometimes during the morning I practiced breathing and relaxation. I heard someone say that practicing for labor/birth might seem silly, but it’s not because you’re body will do what it’s been trained to do.

Lastly, I sent my friend a prayer request and a list of people who she could send it out to once labor started so I could have my family and friends lifting us in prayer while it’s all happening. My friends also were so kind to set up a meal train that family and friends could take part in once we were home with the baby. Having to not worry about what we will eat will be a huge blessing during my postpartum!

One last thing I did was I wrote a letter to my baby girl and practically teared up writing it, but I’m so glad I did because one day she’ll get to read it and treasure it.

At this point I have one week left until my due date next week, May 20th! I’m so excited to meet this little girl who has been growing for 9 months inside of me. Alex and I have been savoring in these last few days of it just being us two. I’ll always treasure this time we had together, just the two of us. We’ve grown so much as a couple, we experienced a lot, and I just know that our love will grow even stronger because of this little miracle and blessing that we will expereince in our life so soon!


A few days after I wrote this last section of the post, I found out that baby girl turned to be “Sunnyside up” or LOP. It’s not an ideal position for birth and it really has me worried. Thankfully my midwife gave me a few exercises to do to help turn her into a better position. She was in a really good position before this and I have no idea why at week 38 she turned! I sent out a text message to family and friends asking for prayer.

I washed the floor on my hands and knees this week, crawled around, did all the exercises, and even put a cold pack to help move her (baby love warmth and move towards it) She still is nice and cozy facing forward. A few of my girl friends also encouraged me that during labor she could turn and position herself better. I am praying and trusting that God is still in control.

God has been so so good to me through this pregnancy. He has been faithful to his promises. I have witnessed his abundant love and blessings that he wants to pour out on us daily. He will be with me through labor and birth and will show up in an amazing way.

I hope my pregnancy journey has been encouraging to you. It’s a beautiful and miraculous gift. Thanks for reading!

Stay tuned for the birth story!

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