Chile Our World Trip South America Travel

How Much Money We Spent in Chile

atacama, desert, Chile, couple, travel

What We Spent in Chile

When we started our world trip we made one crucial change in our life. We decided to record every single item that we spend our money on. This has helped us in knowing exactly where our money is going. In addition, it helps us to know if we are under or over our budget. So far we have been under our budget! In Chile, however, we went over our budget by a little bit. The following numbers are for 2 people. For reference we spent a total of  19 days in Chile.

ecuador budgetLodging

We spent a total of $269.50 on lodging in Chile. We had a unique stay in Chile staying in 5 different places. At times we camped, stayed in hostels, and were sponsored for a few of our stays. We camped 5 nights and were sponsored for 6 nights. We also spent 3 nights on a bus!

ecuador budgetFood

Food cost us a total of $595.99 in Chile. There was a lot of variety of food in Chile and we ate well. Lots of empanadas, as well as sushi in the coastal towns. We also cooked while we stayed at the hostels with kitchens.



ecuador budgetActivities

Our total spending on activities was $191.82. This came mostly from our time in San Pedro de Atacama.


ecuador budgetTransportation

Transportation cost a total of $594.94. A lot of this comes from renting a 4×4 in San Pedro de Atacama. We took 11 buses, 3 taxis and spent a day riding bikes. We visited a total of 4 cities. Transportation is a a little more expensive in Chile, and also we took more night buses which are more expensive.



ecuador budgetShopping

We spent $93.91 on shopping in Chile. This was mostly random items such as postcards, a new hat, toothpaste and etc.

See also  How Much Money We Spent in Poland and Slovakia




ecuador budgetMiscellaneous

Miscellaneous items are such things as laundry, bathroom costs, and other things that do not fit into a certain categorry. We spent $22.83 on miscellaneous items.



ecuador budgetAverage

In Chile we spent a total of 11 days. During that time we had a daily average of $93.08. This is about $11 above our budget. Some factors are the car we rented in Atacama as well as all the cost of entrance fees to the parks.



Chile is an amazing country and we didn’t get a chance to see all of it. Up north is Atacama which was a lot of fun, while in the center is wine country and a few large cities. Down south is the Lakes District and Patagonia. We didn’t get a chance to explore here, but we really hope to come back on a separate trip to explore this area (maybe on our own camper van).

We really liked our time here and would highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in traveling and seeing the world.

A quick word about our sponsorships. We were sponsored for 6 nights in Chile. In exchange we wrote about our stay at the place, took pictures, and featured them on our Instagram. It was an enjoyable experience, and it was fun to meet various owners or managers and learn more about the place we were staying at. In addition, we found it to be a bit of work especially with poor WiFi. We are assessing if we will continue doing this in the future, but no matter what, we do want to post content that you our readers will enjoy. Let us know what you think in the comments below!

See also  Quick Tips for Thailand

To read about the places we were sponsored click the links below:


Relaxing in La Serena


A few days in Santiago, Chile

To see all of our Chile posts click here

To see our posts from South America click here

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