How Much Money We Spent in India

What We Spent in India When we started our world trip we made one crucial change in our life. We decided to record all of our spendings down to the penny. This has helped us in knowing exactly where our money is going. In addition, it helps us to know if we are under or over our budget. The following numbers are for 2 people. For reference we spent a total of 43 days in India.   Lodging Our spendings were a total of $696.92 on lodging in India. Part of the time we spent volunteering at a children’s home. During our time we stayed in hotels, hostels, a night on a bus, two nights on a train, and a night sleeping under the stars in the desert.   Food Food cost us a total of $598.69 in India. The food was a lot different in India than what we have ever had before. In the Rajasthan area we found the food to be a little heavier, since they use ghee for a lot of their cooking, while in Kerala we almost always ate Tibetan food. Overall food was pretty cheap in India which definitely helps keep the spendings down.   Activities … Continue reading How Much Money We Spent in India