Our World Trip Peru South America Travel

How Much Money We Spent Traveling in Peru

Machu picchu, llama, South America, perú, Cusco

What We Spent in Peru

When we started our world trip we made one crucial change in our life. We decided to record every single item that we spend our money on. This has helped us in knowing exactly where our money is going. In addition, it helps us to know if we are under or over our budget. So far we have been under our budget! The following numbers are for 2 people. For reference we spent a total of 42 days in Peru.


ecuador budgetLodging

We spent a total of $408.92 on lodging in Peru. We actually had a unique stay in Peru staying in 17 different places. At times we camped, stayed in an apartment for a week in a half, and were sponsored for a few of our stays. Of the 42 nights we spent in Peru, we spent 11 nights at the home of a missionary couple. We camped 8 nights and were sponsored for 5 nights. We also spent 5 nights on a bus!


ecuador budgetFood

Food cost us a total of $900.18 in Peru. There was a lot more variety of food in Peru and we definitely ate well. We also cooked while we stayed in the apartment, and in the hostels with kitchens.



ecuador budgetActivities

There were a large number of activities we participated in Peru. Our total spending on activities was $587.75. This included our Santa Cruz hike along with many activities in Huaraz. We went sand-dune buggying in Huacachina, visited Machu Picchu, and explored Arequipa among other activities.


ecuador budgetTransportation

Transportation cost a total of $429.51. This included 34 buses, 22 taxis, and 1 bike taxi. We visited a total of 8 cities. Transportation is a a little more expensive in Peru, and also we took more night buses which are more expensive.

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ecuador budgetFlight

We spent $166.15 on a flight from Lima to Cusco. We looked at the price difference between taking a bus and getting a flight and decided it would be worth it in this case to take a flight.




ecuador budgetShopping

We spent $194.25 on shopping in Peru. This included some warmer clothing for our Santa Cruz trek as well as toiletries and other needed items.



ecuador budgetMiscellaneous

Miscellaneous items are such things as laundry, bathroom costs, and other things that do not fit into a certain categorry. We spent $61.78 on miscellaneous items.



ecuador budgetAverage

In Peru we spent a total of 42 days. During that time we had a daily average of $65.44. This is about $16.50 below our budget.



ecuador budgetBlog and Social Media

During our time in Peru we had 353 unique visitors and 787 pageview on our blog. Our Facebook page had 178 followers at the end of our visit in Peru. At the beginning of our visit to Peru we had around 2k followers on our Instagram account and we ended with around 4.9k.


Peru has a lot to offer for any traveler. There are mountains and valleys, deserts, and rivers. We had a very enjoyable time here. The culture is vibrant and we enjoyed seeing all the hand made crafts the people here produce. Alex is obsessed with their Alpaca wool sweaters and wants to start an importing company! lol

We really liked our time here and would highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in traveling and seeing the world.

A quick word about our sponsorships. We were sponsored for 5 nights in Peru. In exchange we wrote about our stay at the place, took pictures, and featured them on our Instagram. It was an enjoyable experience, and it was fun to meet various owners or managers and learn more about the place we were staying at. In addition, we found it to be a bit of work especially with poor WiFi. We are assessing if we will continue doing this in the future, but no matter what, we do want to post content that you our readers will enjoy.

See also  How To Get To Matchu Picchu On A Budget

Let us know what you think in the comments below!

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  • Reply
    December 23, 2017 at 1:07 am

    Lucky you! It seems you guys budgeted everything to a dot. What would it be if someone does not budget everything particularly as you did? 25% more? 50%?

    • Reply
      December 23, 2017 at 1:49 am

      Well it all depends on what kind of traveler you are. We didn’t really reserve anything in advance. We did stay with missionaries for some of the time which lowered our daily cost. Also we stayed in hostels and cooked a number of times. If you want like a hotel (which you can’t cook at) you could definitely spend a lot more. We usually get a private room in the hostels so it works for us.

  • Reply
    April 29, 2018 at 4:35 pm

    Thank you for posting the detailed expense report. It is helping us as we plan our travel adventure.

    • Reply
      May 1, 2018 at 6:27 am

      Thank you, we really appreciate it! We find it really helping us to assess our own spending habits, there’s something about writing it down that helps me see it better. Also when we were planning our trip we looked at info online that talks about how much people spent where, but without additional info into how they were spending the money I could only guess how our spendings would compare. I’m glad you are finding it helpful for your trip, let us know if you have any questions!

  • Reply
    How To Save Money For Travel - That One Adventure Couple
    December 11, 2018 at 1:47 am


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