Education Lifestyle

March in the Classroom

The month of March was a time of celebrating what Easter is all about in creative ways. With my husbands help I was able to fill colorful plastic eggs with meaningful objects and Bible verses that went along with the Easter story. Every morning leading up to Easter Sunday, I would hide an egg in the classroom. Whoever found it would reveal the object to the class, read the Bible verse and a story from Benjamin’s Treasure Box ( A children’s book about a child following Jesus during Biblical times) There’s something about looking for hidden surprises that gets them running into the classroom with bright smiles and eager eyes.


To get the rest of the family involved I sent home an assignment to create a Resurrection Garden. They were to use only natural materials in making it with the goal of recreating the empty tomb and showcasing the new life that we are given. New life through Jesus Christ was represented through the grass seeds that they planted underneath the dirt. After a couple of days, some of their gardens started to look very green and beautiful. It was a picturesque reminder of the new life that we are given through the Christ’s death and Resurrection.

In science, we finished up our last few chapters about the earth, crystals and rocks. We made sugar crystals and after a few weeks they ate them up with great delight.

In history we went back in time to pretend to be pioneers traveling the Oregon Trail. I split them up into groups and they made their own wagons. The students showed phenomenal creativity with this project and I even had a group bring in mini glass jars filled with sugar and flour for their wagons. The boys decided to put their Lego’s to good use as well. After they built their wagons  we played an interactive Oregon Trail game that I set up by using and editing an already made PowerPoint which took the students through an experience of the choices made by people who went on the Oregon Trail.

See also  Dear Bride

This month’s field trip took us to Bonneville Lock and Dam and on the way back to school we stopped by Multnomah Falls. My students share my spirit of adventure and hiking and they were begging me to go to the very top but because of time we weren’t able to, so I promised to take them on a hike soon!



The month is already over and our last quarter has begun.Where has the time gone?! I am constantly learning and growing from teaching these amazing and talented soon to be 5th graders. There’s never a dull day with them and even though I spend most of my free time grading their papers, I can say that they have grown so much since the beginning of the year. I am proud of them all.


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