
Just Do Something

At different points in my life and even now I have felt like I didn’t have things figured out. I didn’t know what the next step was and looking around it seemed like others had their life pretty much figured out.

“I’m going to be a doctor” ” I’m going into accounting” “I’m going to be a nurse” I would hear others say as they were so sure of what they were going to study and work as for the next several years of their lives.

Me, I had no idea. I had passion. Lots of it, for many different things like hiking, travel, missions and so on. Then, one summer I decided to do firefighting. I researched it and found the nearest academy to train at. Well, things didn’t work out that summer and I ended up going back to college. I had the hardest time picking out a major. I took career tests, went to a career counselor, researched, shadowed several careers, but still had not clue as to what I wanted to do. Everything seemed so “eh”.

All around me I was pressured to do something that I really didn’t see myself doing or enjoying. I felt like I was wasting my precious time. I finally made a decision and pursued a degree in Outdoor Education. It allowed me to do the things I loved most which I really enjoyed. I graduated, got my Bachelors Degree and then what? I felt anxious. After I applied to many jobs and some time of waiting, I got a position as an Assistant Teacher in a 3rd & 4th grade combo class. It was one of the best years of my life. Summer came and I got married. Another step needed to be taken and I got a job as a 4th grade teacher for the next year. It was such an adventure and I still keep in contact with some of the kids.

See also  February in the Classroom

This past year I worked as a substitute teacher as well as from home as an online homeschool teacher.

What will I do next? I have no idea. I’m still trying to figure that out.

It’s okay to not know because you know what, none of us have everything figured out. We all have decisions to make and steps to take. Many get stuck and are afraid to pursue the God-given dreams they have.

As Kevin DeYoung in his book ” Just do Something” says:

“… put aside the passivity and the quest for complete fulfillment and the perfectionism and the preoccupation with the future, and for God’s sake start making some decisions in your life. Don’t wait for the liver-shiver. If you are seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, you will be in God’s will, so just go out and do something.”

Courage is a beautiful thing. It’s actually inspiring. When others see you doing the things you love they see something that no one else but you could show and tell them. It’s your story.

What I learned from experience, taking that next step could be anything. Just do something. We are never really ready for anything and we probably won’t ever be because what does ready even mean?

Sometimes the momentum that you gain after whatever you decide to do will often lead you over to the next greatest thing. It might be something completely different. Something that others don’t really understand. It might be something that you truly love and you’re passionate about.

See also  BEST Adventurous Indoor and Outdoor Date Ideas

And even if you go out and do something and it doesn’t work out. It’s okay because successful people fail. Get up and try again.

It’s so comforting to know that God uses those moments, days and years that we think we wasted, for His glory!

Do something!



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