Adventure Europe Hungary Our World Trip Travel

How Much Money We Spent In Hungary


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Recording Our Spendings

When we started our world trip we made one crucial change in our life. We decided to record all of our spendings down to the penny. This has helped us know exactly where our money is going. In addition, it helps us know if we are under or over our budget. The following numbers are for 2 people. For reference we spent a total of 8 days in Hungary.


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Our spendings were a total of $351.46 on lodging in Hungary. Hungary was a bit more expensive than usual for lodging. Partly this was because we stayed in the middle of the capital city of Budapest. Also in general Eastern Europe is a little bit more expensive than SE Asia or South America.


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Food cost us a total of $228.06. We tended to eat breakfast at home, and eat out for lunch and dinner while exploring the city.


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Our total spending on activities was $7.07. This was mostly for a tour, and museum entrance fees.


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Transportation such as taxi’s, buses, and etc. cost a total of $60.30. We used the Metro and buses in Budapest. Hungary has a great train system which links all the cities together. A big portion of this money was actually because we decided to travel back to Ukraine part way through.

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We spent $17.46 shopping in Hungary. This was mostly souvenir items.


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Miscellaneous items are such things as laundry, bathroom costs, and other things that do not fit into a certain categorry. We spent $5.12 on miscellaneous items.


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We spent a total of 8 days in Hungary. During that time we had a daily average of $83.68. This is about $2 above our budget. Although we spent more on lodging, we did a lot of free activities such as exploring the cities on our own. 


If you would like to read more about our world trip, how we saved, or some things we’ve done check it out: World Trip

You can read about the places we’ve gone in South America which is a stunning continent with many amazing places, beautiful cultures, and a lot of fun: South America

We had a lot of fun in SE Asia and explored a lot of things. Check out the SE Asia category for all those posts!

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