Our World Trip Peru South America Travel

Eating A Delicious Pachamanca Lunch

pachamanca lunch

Ollantaytambo, Peru at El Albergue

Part of our travels is to discover the culture and traditions of the country we are visiting. Recently we experienced a traditional Pachamanca Lunch 🥗 at El Albergue. It’s a hotel, restaurant, and farm that’s in Ollantaytambo, Peru. You can find this town a short drive away from Cusco, Peru.

pachamanca lunch, Ollantaytambo streets, Peru

A little bit about Ollantaytambo, El Albergue & the Farm

Ollantaytambo is a small village in the Sacred Valley. It’s next to the Urubamba River. Surrounding it are tall mountains making it a beautiful place to visit. It is also known for massive Inca fortresses, terraces and store houses which are situated on the cliffs. The village’s old town is made of cobblestone streets and old buildings. As you walk along your mind easily goes back in time. The main source of income for the people of the valley is farming.  Driving through the valley you might notice terraced fields, granaries and the Urubamba River that meanders down the green valley.

El Albergue is located conveniently right by the train station in Ollantaytambo. Since 2010 they started a small farming project of their own which produces many vegetables, corn, quinoa and potatoes. They also have some animals that they keep for food. The owners work the farm is without the use of chemicals or fertilizers. They use traditional techniques such as plowing with oxen, rotating crops and using biological controllers to regulate pests and disease. Also, the restaurant is sustained by the growing farm.

pachamanca lunch, Ollantaytambo, Farm, El Alburque, Urubamba Valley

Our tour around the farm

Our Pachamanca experience started at the farm. Where it all starts, right?! We admired the animals and all the vegetables and flowers that were growing this time of year. We walked through the farm and learned more about what is grown and how it’s used. Afterwards we continued towards a shelter where the Pachamanca lunch would be prepared. Our guide spoke great English and explained the whole process while two other men prepared the hot stones and the “earth oven”

pachamanca lunch, Guinea pigs, Ollantaytambo, Urubamba valley

Guinea pigs are kept for food in South America! It’s a very popular meal here!

pachamanca lunch, Rabbits, Turkey, Urubamba Valley, Ollantaytambo, Peru

pachamanca lunch, Ollantaytambo, turkey, Urubamba Valley, Peru

pachamanca lunch, local dog, Ollantaytambo, Urubamba Valley, Peru

Pachamanca Lunch Preparation

Pachamanca comes from the Quechua language pacha “earth”, manka “pot”. It’s a traditional Peruvian meal that is prepared with the aid of hot stones. The earth oven is prepared by heating stones. Here they used granite, since it’s very common. First, dig out a wide hole in the ground and arrange the stones over them like a makeshift oven. Next, start a fire inside it. When the stones reach the proper temperature they are ready to be used in cooking food.

Pachamanca Lunch, Peru, Ollantaytambo, Urubamba Valley, Potatoes

South America has 3,000 different varieties of potatoes! They were delicious!

Pachamanca Process

Step 1: This is the original BBQ & pressure cooker. First, place the hot stones in a layer in the hole. Afterwards, place the potatoes on top of them.

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pachamanca lunch, Peru, Oven, BBQ, Fire, Hot Stones

Step 2: After placing a second layer of stone the marinated meat goes on top. The meat we had was chicken, lamb, and pork.

pachamanca lunch, Meat, Oven, BBQ, Ollantaytambo, Urubamba Valley, Peru

Step 3: Next, add a third layer of stones and place the clay pots with stuffed peppers and soufflé over them.

Pachamama Lunch, Oven, BBQ, Urubamba Valley, Ollantaytambo, Peru

Step 4: Place the last layer of stone on top and add different herbs over them. The herbs give flavor and the steam from them helps create pressure when they are covered.

pachamanca lunch, Herbs, Ollantaytambo, Urubamba Valley, Peru

Step 5: Next, cover the oven with a few wet pieces of cloth to keep the heat and moisture in.

pachamanca lunch, Ollantaytambo, Urubamba Valley, Peru, Pressure Cooker, covering

Step 6: Lastly, place earth over it and leave it alone for 15-20 mins. During this time with the pressure that is building up from the steam and the hot stones, the food cooks something like a barbecue meets pressure cooker.

Pachamanca Lunch, Pressure cooker, Earth, Ollantaytambo, Urubamba Valley, Peru

Step 7: After it’s cooked the dirt and cloth is taken off. One layer at a time the stones are removed along with the cooked potatoes, meat and clay pots filled with yummy goodness. 

Pachamanca Lunch, Ollantaytambo, Urubamba Valley, Peru, BBQ, Pressure Cooker

Step 8: Everything is taken to the outdoor kitchen to be cut, arranged and prepared to be served.

pachamanca lunch, Ollantaytambo, Urubamba Valley, Peru, Potatoes, Veggies

pachamanca lunch, Ollantaytambo, Urubamba Valley, Peru, Meat, Chicken, Lamb, Pork, Cutting

Here you see three different kinds of meat; Chicken, Pork and Lamb.


Enjoying the Pachamanca Lunch

We couldn’t wait to try all the delicious food! We gave thanks and indulged into the traditionally cooked Panchmanca Lunch.

pachamanca lunch, Ollantaytambo, Urubamba Valley, Peru

pachamanca lunch, Ollantaytambo, Urubamba Valley, Peru, Couple

Our thoughts

In conclusion, we really enjoyed this activity. Walking around the farm we were able to see the dedication of the owners to creating something really amazing. Their commitment to sustainability, the environment, and a really great experience really blew us away!

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The food here was absolutely delicious. We ate until almost bursting. There were three kinds of meat and a vegetarian option. Out of all the meals we have tried in South America this one was by far the absolute best.

Therefore, if you are looking for a unique experience while in Peru we highly recommend this place! This is an inspiring experience!

Please let us know down below if you have any questions or comments. Did you have a similar experience? What was your favorite traditional experience? We’d love to hear from you.

-Alex & Katie


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  • Reply
    November 14, 2017 at 1:56 pm

    In Papua New Guinea they do something very similar, except it all tends to happen underground in a pit, and leaves are used instead of cloth. Also, no pot is used; all the food is just piled together within the leaves. Another difference: they tend to let it cook for many hours, which lets the flavors permeate throughout. Overall, though, the same concept, resulting in a great meal.
    Sounds like you guys are having fun! Don’t get too fat, Al, or you won’t be able to do any more adventure races!

    • Reply
      November 19, 2017 at 11:30 pm

      Haha! Right? They told us that similar cooking methods were used all around the Pacific Ocean so I’m not surprised 🙂 Thanks for sharing it’s very interesting!

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