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The Ultimate DIY Non-Toxic and Natural Postpartum Kit For A New Mom


Preparing For A Natural Postpartum

As my due date approaches, I find myself preparing more and more for what will come after pregnancy and birth. Postpartum or the “Fourth Trimester” is a very important time to not only bond with the baby and establish breastfeeding, but also to take time to heal, rest and let the body recover from the 9 months of pregnancy and birth. My goal is to have a healthy and natural postpartum period.

Thankfully, I have had a number of friends recommend certain postpartum essentials and shared their experiences with me.

I’m so excited to be partnering with Kindred Bravely for this post. They are devoted to making life easier for pregnant and nursing mothers by providing comfortable, functional, and stylish clothing. Use code TOAC20 for 20% off your order.

This post is in collaboration with Kindred Bravely. All opinions and thoughts are our own and based on our experience. Some of the links below are affiliate links. This means that if you click on a product link, we may receive compensation. This compensation comes at no additional cost to you and allows us to keep serving you with great content.

DIY Non-Toxic and Natural Postpartum Kit

This natural postpartum kit is easy to make yourself. You can start putting it together when you’re feeling antsy or impatient for the baby to come in the few weeks leading up to your due date. In addition, a postpartum care kit doesn’t have to be expensive and various things can be substituted for other cheaper alternatives.

Comfy Robe

You might already have a favorite comfy robe, but if you don’t, here’s an excuse to get one for yourself. You deserve one, mama! If you’ll be breastfeeding then having a comfy robe can make that more comfortable, cozy, and convenient.

I love the Emmaline Robe from Kindred Bravely. It’s so beautiful, comfy and soft!

Comfy PJs & Clothes

Who doesn’t love comfy pjs?! Having comfortable pjs or clothing ready for postpartum is helpful because then you don’t have to spend time picking out what you will wear. I love the Everyday Nursing T-shirt and the Joggers from Kindred Bravely.

High-Waisted Underwear

You’ll probably come home with some mesh underwear from the birth center or hospital but having high waisted underwear that are comfortable for days and weeks after labor are a must. Check out the High-Waisted Postpartum Recovery Panties from Kindred Bravely. They are super stretchy, comfortable, provide full coverage and offer plenty of room for pads.

You can also grab a cheap pack of the high waisted underwear at a local store that usually come in packs of 6. You can always throw them out once you’re done using them.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are great to have on hand to help with baby blues, breastfeeding, relaxation, and more. Check out this Mama’s website for more on Postpartum oil information.

One of my favorite places to order essential oils or herbs is from Mountain Rose Herbs. Also, I’ve heard a lot of great things about Plant Therapy and their oils.

Perineal Spray

A Perineal Spray is great to have because it helps to ease discomfort down there after childbirth. Another great option is the Motherlove sitz bath spray.

Sitz Bath

If you don’t have time and don’t want to fill up the bath tub to soak then having a sitz bath is very handy! They are cheap and great to have because you don’t need much water. If you don’t feel comfortable on it then try sitting in the tub instead.

Sitz Bath Herbs

Adding healing herbs to your sitz bath can be very comforting and healing to the perineal area. You can either mix the herbs yourself and keep them in a mason jar or you can go the easy route and purchase already made sachets (Earth Mama Organics Sitz Bath) that you can add to your warm sitz bath, make padsicles out of, use in a peri bottle or gently place as a compress.

See also  My Third Trimester During Pregnancy Weeks 28-40 (How I felt, Things I did, Preparing For Natural Labor & Postpartum)

DIY Sitz Bath Herbal Blend

  • comfrey leaves – 1/2 cup
  • dried lavender – 1/2 cup
  • calendula blossoms – 1/2 cup

Bring 6 cups to a boil add the herbal blend. Let it steep for 20mins covered. Strain the water and then use it.

Overnight Maxi Pads

Overnight maxi pads are a must in your postpartum kit. Not only are they needed in the first few days and weeks after birth but you can also make padsicles out of them.


Padsicles are great to make ahead of time and can be very cooling and reduce swelling especially in the first 2-3 days after birth. Here are a couple different recipes to make padsicles.

Herbal Blend (from “The First Forty Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother” by Heng Ou):

  • comfrey leaves – 1/2 cup
  • dried lavender – 1/2 cup
  • calendula blossoms – 1/2 cup

Bring 6 cups to a boil then add the herbal blend. Let it steep for 20mins covered. Strain the water and then use it. Dip the maxi pads into the tea water and wring out the excess then place on a baking sheet into the freezer. When the pads are frozen stack them into a ziplock bag and return them to the freezer.

Lavender and Witch Hazel (by Mama Natural)

Overnight pads

4 tablespoons of witch hazel

1 tablespoon of aloe

1 cup of lavender tea steeped for 20-30 mins

Spray Bottle

Freezer Bags

Mix the witch hazel, aloe and the 1/4 cup of lavender tea in a spray bottle. Shake to combine. Spray a thin even layer on the pad. Fold the pad back up, place in a freezer bag and store in the freezer until you need them.

You can buy the herbs that you don’t have from Mountain Rose Herbs.

Peri Bottle

You’ll most likely get a peri bottle from the hospital or the birth center. Peri bottles are great to have because they help keep the perineal area clean. You can also fill it up with the herbal blend and gently spray the affected area for relief.

There are also fancy peri bottles that are available on amazon.

Hemorrhoid Relief Cooling Pads

These are great to have if you have hemorrhoids after giving birth or just for extra relief down there. The ingredients are organically sourced and include aloe vera, witch hazel and essential oils.

Other Items

Lastly, a few other optional things you can have for your postpartum recovery is a heating pad, a donut pillow and a belly wrap.

Check out more posts about pregnancy, (coming soon!!!)

My First Trimester During Pregnancy Weeks 1-12 (How I felt, Things I did, Decisions I made) 

My Second Trimester Experience Weeks 13-28 (Exercise, Food, Supplements, Books I Read)

Preparing For Breastfeeding Postpartum

If you’ll be breastfeeding your baby then here are some great things to prepare in advance as part of your natural postpartum care.

2-3 Nursing Bras

Nursing bras are great to have. They make breastfeeding easier and quicker especially when you’re out and about.

Here are some of my favorite nursing bras from Kindred Bravely, Simply Sublime Nursing Bra, Sublime Nursing Sports Bra, and Organic Cotton Nursing and Sleep Bra.

Nursing Tank Top

Having a nursing tank top is also helpful because you can wear it with a jacket or under a t-shirt. It unclips just like a nursing bra.

Check out the Simply Sublime Nursing Tank Top from Kindred Bravely.

Nursing Pads

These reusable nursing pads are awesome to have on hand. They are made of organic bamboo and are very soft.

Organic Bamboo Nursing Pads, 8 Count (4 Pair) with Carry Bag

See also  My First Trimester During Pregnancy Weeks 1-12 (How I felt, Things I did, Decisions I made)

Nipple Butter

Earth Mama’s nipple balm is ultra moisturizing and soothing to the nipples. It helps with sore, dry or cracked nipples. It’s lanolin free, non sticky and made from organic and soothing ingredients. Perfect to put on after a nursing session!

Lactation Tea

Certain herbs traditionally have been used to boost lactation. You can either make your own diy lactation tea blend or go with Earth Mamas Milkmaid Tea. It includes herbs like fenugreek, fennel, and milk thistle.

DIY Lactation Tea:

  • 1/4  cup fenugreek seed
  • 1/2  cup dried nettle leaf
  • 1/2  cup dried red raspberry leaf
  • 1/4  cup fennel seed
  • 1/2  cup dried lemon verbena
  • 1/4  cup dried blessed thistle


  1. Mix all ingredients together and then put the mixture in an airtight container like a mason jar.
  2. When you’re ready to use, take one teaspoon of the tea blend per cup of water. You can use a reusable tea bag/infuser or a teapot.
  3. Fill your teapot or cup with boiling water and then steep for 5 minutes. Remove the tea bag and then enjoy! You can consume 1 cup of tea 3 times a day for optimal effect.

Lactation Cookies

Lactation cookies are tasty cookies that are nutritious, filling and help promote lactation.

Check out this amazing recipe to make your own ahead of time for those busy days!

Breast Pump

Most likely you’ll be getting a breast pump through your insurance. Most insurances will cover a breast pump at full coverage so do make sure to look into that. It’s great to do this ahead of time before baby comes so that you’re not worrying about it later. A great inexpensive silicon pump to have is that Haakaa Manual Breast Pump. I heard a lot of good things about it. Read more here.


Did you know that if you’re going to be breastfeeding your baby you will be needing an additional 300-500 calories?! It’s great to get easy to eat snacks prepared that you can have on hand for those times when you’re just feeling ravenously hungry! These snacks can be trail mix, hard boiled eggs, rice cakes, granola and greek yogurt, apple slices and almond butter, protein bars, bananas, hummus and veggies, lactation cookies, and other quick to prepare or eat with one had snacks. Check out more ideas here.


It’s important to stay hydrated during breastfeeding so having a water bottle with a straw or a cup with a straw is very handy since it takes minimal effort that way.

Other Things to Prepare for Postpartum

Some other things to prepare for a natural postpartum would be making freezer meals to have on hand that your partner can easily heat up or cook. Here is great resource for that.

Also, you can have a friend set up a meal train for the few days or weeks after giving birth. This will truly be a blessing for you as your family and friends come around you to support you with delicious and filling meals. Check out for an easy set up!

Some of my favorite books for postpartum preparation have been “The First Forty Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother” by Heng Ou, “Healing Your Body Naturally After Childbirth: The New Moms Guide to Navigating the Fourth Trimester” by Dr Jolene Brighten, and “Build Your Nest” by Kestrel Gates.

I hope this will be a helpful guide to your postpartum preparation. I’d love to hear your experience or if you have any other ideas for this non-toxic and natural postpartum care kit.

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