Cambodia Lifestyle Our World Trip Southeast Asia Travel

How Much Money We Spent in Cambodia

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What We Spent in Cambodia

When we started our world trip we made one crucial change in our life. We decided to record all of our spendings down to the penny. This has helped us in knowing exactly where our money is going. In addition, it helps us to know if we are under or over our budget. The following numbers are for 2 people. For reference we spent a total of 9 days in Cambodia.


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Our spendings were a total of $105.75 on lodging in Cambodia. During our time we visited only two cities, Siem Reap and Phnom Penh. One thing which really helped us with keeping our costs down was that while in Phnom Penh we had 3 nights sponsored by MAADS.


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Food cost us a total of $243.03. That’s actually quite a bit for a SE Asian country. It’s an average of approximately $27 per day. While in Cambodia we stayed in a hotel rather than a hostel and did not have a chance to cook our own food. Furthermore, when we did go out to eat the prices were all in US which actually had a deceptive quality. Since back home the food would be much more expensive we felt like we were not spending very much money. In reality we were spending a lot more on food than we usually would!


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Our total spending on activities was $248.50. A lot of this was the entrance fee to Angkor Wat. This is the biggest temple complex in the world and we knew we wanted to see it. We had to pay for the entrance to the complex as well as for a tuk-tuk to transport us to various locations. Although it was a bit of money, it was amazing to see all the history there and we don’t regret it.

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Transportation such as taxi’s, buses, and etc. cost a total of $91.42. We took taxi’s around the city, and a bus from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh. We also crossed a land border in order to get to our next country of Vietnam.



We spent $155.04 on a flight into Siem Reap from Bangkok. 


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We spent $22 shopping in Cambodia. This was mostly souvenir items, and some clothes. 


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Miscellaneous items are such things as laundry, bathroom costs, and other things that do not fit into a certain categorry. We spent $52 on miscellaneous items.


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We spent a total of  9 days in Cambodia. During that time we had a daily average of $101.97. This is about $20 above our budget. There are a few reasons why we spent more in Cambodia. First we did not spend much time there. This means that any big spendings such as the flight in, or the visit to Angkor Wat did not have a chance to average out. One thing that helped us keep costs down a little was that we were spooned for three of our nights in a very beautiful hotel chain called MAADS.


Before we came to Cambodia we were warned that it was a very difficult country to travel in. People would try to rip us off, the place was dirty and etc. When we arrived were as a result very pleasantly surprised. Sure its not the most perfect country in the world, nevertheless, it has a certain charm to it. We found the people to be kind, welcoming, and helpful.

There are a lot of NGO’s helping Cambodia rebuild after the devastation to their society from the previous government. We really hope all the best for Cambodia and look forward to coming back one day for another visit!

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If you would like to read more about our world trip, how we saved, or some things we’ve done check it out: World Trip

You can read about the places we’ve gone in South America which is a stunning continent with many amazing places, beautiful cultures, and a lot of fun: South America

If you would like to read about our time in India you can find them in the following category:  India

We had a lot of fun in SE Asia and explored a lot of things. Check out the SE Asia category for all those posts!

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