Lifestyle Relationship

A work in progress

As the wedding day came closer, I dreamed of our dream house that we would someday live in. I created a pin board especially for it. Another pin board for a dream bedroom, kitchen and things that I would like to have once married. Dreaming isn’t bad, but in reality everything is a work in progress, my kitchen, my bedroom, my goals, my projects, and even myself.

I am a work in progress.

I thought I would have everything under control once I was married, but I was terribly mistaken.

Our first apartment didn’t work out and we had to go apartment hunting for two weeks after we got back from our honeymoon.

We slept on a twin sized mattress for a month before we bought a new queen sized mattress which we are still paying off (talk about adult life).

We ate on the floor from mom’s old Christmas plates until our friend offered to let us borrow his fold-able table and chairs, until we were able to get our own table and chairs (which took a couple of months).

We didn’t have a normal sized garbage can for about two months.

We just now got our office together (uhmmmm 3/4 way).

We are still using our Thailand boho blanket to cover our window because we haven’t gotten around to buying curtains quite yet. I have to admit, I really do like the blanket.

You might be thinking that I am a bad wife and can’t put my own house together, but as much as I want to and constantly think and dream about completing house projects and turning our apartment into a dream home, it won’t happen right away.

Everything takes time.

See also  Dear Bride

I’m reminded of myself and the work of progress that  I am and of this verse whenever I get frustrated that things are not going the way I want them to or when certain things take time and I get impatient.

Philippians 1:6 ” And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

He is at work within me because I am nowhere near perfect. Every day I’m being transformed more into His image and likeness. I’m being molded, chipped at the parts of me where sin distorts and formed into His masterpiece. Just as my house, dreams, projects and goals are not all finished or accomplished and some days it seems they never will be, He is not finished with me yet.

Everything is a work in progress, even our new year resolutions!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Love, Katie

Feel free to share your thoughts and your resolutions for this year! 🙂

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    February 18, 2016 at 10:49 pm

    love this… and i agree. we are ALL a work in progress>

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